When you buy something new for your home, we know that the last thing you think about is that the item will cause harm to you or your family. You certainly do not expect that it will tip over onto someone. Unfortunately, this is one of the least talked about risks associated with certain products despite being a major problem throughout the country. Today, we want to talk about tip-over incidents.
At Hiden, Rott & Oertle, LLP, we know that faulty products are a part of reality. We see them on the news almost every night. However, you need to know where to turn if you or a loved one are injured by something you use or consume. When you need a San Diego product liability attorney, we are here to help you recover the compensation you deserve.
When we talk about items tipping over that can cause major injuries, we are talking about things like televisions, furniture, and appliances. These are heavy objects that can cause things like broken bones, lacerations, head trauma, and more. There have also been far too many deaths due to these incidents.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission produces reports on faulty products. They tell us that from 2015-2017, there was an average of 28,300 injuries annually due to tip-over incidents that required emergency medical treatment. From 2000 to 2017, a total of 542 people lost their lives in tip-over incidents.
Alarmingly, the CPSC points out that 50% of the injuries were of children under the age of 18 and 13% were of those over 60-years-old. When it comes to fatalities, 83% of them were of children aged 1 month to 14 years old.
When it comes to the items causing the most harm, we know that the injuries were caused by:
- Furniture – 68%
- Televisions – 29%
- Appliances – 4%
Look around your home. How many tables, chests, dressers, shelves, bookcases, and TVs do you have? Are any of them at risk of tipping over?
There are regular recalls of items that pose a high risk of tipping over, but often consumers never realize the items they purchased are a problem until the damage is already done. Companies and manufacturers should be held responsible for the injuries and fatalities caused by tip-over incidents if it is found they did not thoroughly test their products before they hit the market.
If you or a loved one have been injured by a product used or consumed, whether in a tip-over incident or any other incident, you need to seek legal assistance. At Hiden, Rott & Oertle, LLP, our knowledgeable and experienced team will work diligently to secure compensation for all of your incident-related expenses. This can include:
- Coverage for your medical bills
- Recovery of lost income
- Loss of enjoyment of life damages
- Punitive damages
When you need a San Diego product liability attorney, you can contact usfor a free consultation by calling at at our office.