We all know that drinking and driving often end badly for so many people. For the victims of an accident and for the families of all involved. That is why police officers from around the state step up DUI enforcement efforts during times when they know more people are likely to be intoxicated behind the wheel.
One of those times is the Thanksgiving holiday.
The California Highway Patrol was out in full force over the holidays in and around San Diego. The good news is that they arrested fewer people than the previous year. Unfortunately, 58 people were still detained for suspicion of drunk driving.
Across the state, CHP made 855 arrests for suspected DUI. The worst news of all is that 44 people were killed on the roadways over the holidays across the state, with two of those deaths right here in San Diego.
At Hiden, Rott & Oertle, LLP, we know that drivers in and around the city face many dangers each day. That is why we want to help if you are injured in an accident that was caused by someone else. When you need a San Diego car accident attorney, our team is ready to help.
Holidays are not the only time that motorists have to be vigilant. The dangers do not go away with the turkey. Across the state, there are hundreds of thousands of traffic-related injuries a year, with many of them classified as serious injuries.
When we talk about these serious injuries, we are referencing ones that have the ability to completely alter a person’s life:
- Spinal cord injuries that can lead to paralysis
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Major internal organ damage or internal bleeding
- Broken or dislocated bones
- Limb amputations
When a person sustains these injuries, they are going to need extensive medical care. Often, car crash victims are disabled and need care for a long period of time.
In California, drivers were asked when they thought the biggest safety problems were on state roadways. Their top five reasons were:
- Speeding/Aggressive Driving – 27.7%
- Drunk Driving – 22.9%
- Texting on Cell Phone – 14.7%
- Talking on Cell Phone 11.9%
- Other Driver Behavior – 4%
Regardless of how another driver causes an accident due to their negligence, they should be held accountable.
We know that the aftermath of an accident can be frustrating and confusing. Insurance companies will be quick to settle a case, but you should know that they are not always looking out for your best interests. They may not offer enough to cover all of your accident-related expenses.
At Hiden, Rott & Oertle, LLP, we are going to make sure you are treated fairly. Our qualified attorneys will work to secure compensation for:
- Your accident-related medical bills
- Hidden costs such as lost income
- Pain and suffering damages
- Property damages
If you need a San Diego car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by calling at our office.